One of many questions from Career Advancement Consultation is as below
So can you tell if I am more suitable in Malaysia or in Australia to develop my career 事业 according to my Luck Cycle 2015-2025?
- Firstly, you are BIG TREE甲木(15%) during these 10 years and considered to be POWERFUL (50% more powerful than expected).
- You are similar to Forest of Sabah since you were born in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah of Malaysia as Big Tree(15%)
- Forest of Sabah. Migrating is similar to CHOP/Cut the root of the big tree of Sabah for transplanting to Australia.
- Transplanting is a form of destructive act upon the Big Tree(your good self), but tolerable if it is applied to the same climate zone.
- However, Queensland’s Gold Coast has a sub-tropical climate (15 – 25 degree celsius)with around 300 days of sunshine per year and 6 to 8 hours sunshine per day; compared to tropical climate in Kota Kinabalu (25 – 33 degree celsius) with around 350 days of sunshine per year and ALMOST 10-12 hours sunshine per day.
- Your BaZi requires MORE sunshine and Higher temperature because,
- your Bing Fire丙火(5%) is HALF below optimum capacity(10%).
- your Ding Fire 丁火(6%) is FAR below optimum capacity(10%)
- Migrating from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah(tropical climate) to Gold Coast(sub-tropical climate) causes 2 bad effects :
- Uproot you(The Big Tree) causing major destruction to the root of your life and requiring longer recovery.
- Shorter period of sunshine per year & per day DOES NOT help your bazi requirements(Useful God 用神)
- You need Longer sunshine period and Higher temperature to ensure you as Forest of Sabah could grow healthily.
- However, moving to Australia is CROSSING the different climate zone by cutting down the sunshine exposure(weaker Bing Fire 丙火) and with lower temperature(weaker Ding Fire丁火).
- You are moving to a zone where Fire(by sunshine and temperature) is decreasing.
- Gold Coast is Metal where Metal consumes/exhausts/drains/depletes your fire element and further weakening yourself.
- Besides, Big Tree in the Rainforest(your good self) requires higher amount of rainfall. In this case, The average annual rainfall for Kota Kinabalu is 2788mm compared to 1455mm for Gold Coast.
- You should move back to Sabah, because this is where you FOREST of Sabah belong.
- Be noted that how far has the process of Transplanting hurt you……
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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