Bad feng shui is NOT about L shape house. Bad feng shui is NOT about door piercing. Bad feng shui is NOT about missing corner.
Bad feng shui occurs when you try to cure L shape house with Flying Stars System. Because Flying Stars system CANNOT solve this problem.
Bad feng shui occurs when you try to cure door piercing by door tilting with Xuan Kong Da Gua. Because Xuan Kong Da Gua is not meant for door tilting.
Bad feng shui occurs when you try to apply feng shui formula, yet, you have no idea about “house vibration“.
Bad feng shui occurs when your master try to apply standard formula, yet, he has forgotten that each and every house has different “wavelength“.
It is highly dangerous to assume a row of houses (same facing direction) is having same feng shui and rigidly apply the “same” standard feng shui formula.
There are NO two houses share the same feng shui quality although located in the same row of houses(same direction). You know this very well from your life experience. And, this tells part of the reasons why I say it is very misleading if you assume that standard formula could solve all feng shui problem.
A feng shui practitioner purely relies on compass reading and standard formula for feng shui enhancement is having Wrong perspective in term of REAL feng shui.
Master Soon
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mobile: +6012 560 3333