- The Feng Shui Period is determined by the Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn
- on 21 Dec 2020
- on 31 Oct 2040
- on 07 Apr 2060
- Period 9(Li trigram 离卦) & Period 1(Kan trigram 坎卦) are 2 out of 4 Unchangeable Trigrams 四正卦 which occupy Actual North, East, South & West(4 Cardinals) in Early Heaven Bagua 先天八卦
- These 4 Trigrams (at 4 Cardinals) are the most powerful trigrams among 8 trigrams.
- Because it is unchangeable either you read them bottom-up or up-bottom as below
- All non- Europe countries including China & Islamic Countries fell during the last Period 9 & Period 1(180 years ago) for example
- Opium War 1840 caused the fall of Old China
- Quadruple Alliance by the European powers to force Egypt to relinquish Syria in 1840.
- Within 40 years(from 1840 to 1880), Europe almost successfully grabbed all countries into their colonial influence or domination.
- After 180 years, The reserve is happening now.
- If you want to know more about how your career, life, and country are going to be shaped by these 2 periods, stay tuned for more information.
爱恨情仇180年 来个大总结 西东恩仇录
有仇报仇 有恩报恩 一切都是因果循环!
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