- You have entered into a New Phase of Luck since May 2021(during the peak of the pandemic) under Luck Cycle Masculine Water Dragon(May 2021 – May 2031)
- The most significant implication is that you have ended the Summer season of your life, and entered another season of life.
- A new phase, new season, new condition, and new spectrum with new challenges of life.
- Comparatively speaking, your past 30 years( 1991 – 2021) were relatively powerful and energetic; especially 2011-2021.
- The super productive phase of the past 30 years is OVER.
- You do have NOT much problem with money.
- Nevertheless, you need to be careful of money leakage(too much water, overflow)
- Your life is definitely still growing as the sunshine(15%) is strong available.
- Yet the condition is not highly conducive as the temperature(3%) is low.
- However, maintaining the status quo is achievable.
here you go…
- You have to say bye-bye to the world of yesteryears, where you were part of the material world as normal people.
- Well, you still need to keep your career excellently for feeding your daily life. A must.
- Nevertheless, you can make use of your free time to develop something which is non-material but with a higher self.
- The long-lasting effects on the job market aftermath of the pandemic are still evolving & uncertain.
- However, one thing is for sure, the pandemic put an end( a slowdown) to the craziness & madness of materialism & individualism.
- You may consider developing your skill in spiritualism, and metaphysics; which may serve & feed your later part of life.
- We will look into details about your relationship, family, romance & spouse later on analysis reports.
Conclusion :
- There is no Good or Bad Luck if we know the given advantages and
limitationsand make dynamic adaptations. - Bad Luck strikes when a person has no wisdom to react accordingly & skillfully.
- Good Luck always goes to those responding to the changes constantly and adaptively.
Remarks: This is just a very small piece of how I coach my clients. More Info About How Your Personal BaZi is Connected to Your Psychic Power.
Have a Nice Day
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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