- Period 9 九运: 2020 – 2040 (Since The Great Conjunction Between Jupiter & Saturn on 21 Dec 2020).
- Trigram: Li 离卦, literally means ascending, dependent, gorgeous, bright, civilized, etiquette, discerning, upright, discovering, expanding, spreading, externally vigorous, medium-level, restless, inciting, repulsing, resisting, denying, criticizing, popular, …
- or in chinese : 进升、依附、华丽、鲜艳、文明、礼仪、明察、磊落、发现、扩张、漫延、外强、中干、焦躁、煽动、排斥、抗拒、否定、批判、流行、 …
Official5 Element Category: Fire 火OfficialSymbol: The Sun 太阳OfficialColor: Orange, Red, Pink & Purple.OfficialNumber: Nine (9)- However, there are several hidden dimensions as below :
- Hidden Color: Gold(United States), Black(Islamic World)
- Hidden Element: Wood (China, Japan, Taiwan & Korea)
- Hidden Symbols & Emblems :
- Golden Crow 金乌
- Three-Legged Crow 三足金乌
- The Unpeaceful Centric Point of the Sun 离中虚
- There are 10 golden crows in the Sun, 9 of them will be shot down 后羿射日
- Hidden Number : 3 & Multiple of 3; for example
- 3 legged crown
- 9 out of 10 golden crows to be shot down (3×3)
- 2 camps of Triumvirates [U.S Bloc Vs Non-U.S Bloc] (3×2) for example
- U.S.+NATO+(Japan/Korea/Taiwan/Asean) Vs Russia+China+(hidden allies)
- Effect: Nationalism, Localization, Militarization, Food Shortage, Economic Stagnation
- Business Prospect(Intermediate Players): Logistics, Storages, Food Supply Chain, Water, Security & Safety
- Metaphysical Interpretation On Global Outcomes:
- According to Chinese legends, Golden Crow is a 吉祥物 positive mascot/auspicious symbol in China.
- China tries to transform the American Eagle(USD) into a crow.
- There are so many undercurrents happening between USD Vs. RMB
- It seems that USD(golden crow) is losing some grounds…..??
- The U.S is trying to build the HIDDEN 3-legged crow(US-NATO- Asian Allies) to corner Russia-China.
- While Russia-China is trying to pull in more hidden allies; to create a 3-legged crow at their camp as well. (currently, Russia-China YET to form 3 legged crow{Trio/Triumvirates}
- Hence, the U.S is on the upper hand for this round.
- This is an introduction to how the HIDDEN SYMBOL/EMBLEM of Period 9 tell about the world(up to 2040)
- Will the USD lose its Gold Crow Magical Power that enables the U.S. to dominate the global economy since 1971?
- Will America Eagle retain its power or will it be transformed into Golden Crow?
- The capitalism of the U.S is not facing communism in China. Instead, the U.S(capitalism) is confronting the Chinese Civilization in the garment of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP).
- How do you make use of the chaos to make a personal fortune?
- Do not be shy because the U.S has shown/taught us that all kinds of worldly prosperities could be achieved via creating Chao since WW2?
- Where is the Chao, there is prosperity. Whenever there is suffering, there is happiness.
- Sound weird and satanic, but it is the world we are living in.
- Whoever is the Number 1, he must create chaos & disorder in order to achieve the order for the NEW WORLD ORDER;
- regardless of nation, race, individual,
- be the U.S, Russia, China, or any Arabic countries
- Welcome to NEW Normal.
- Will Some of the members of western allies deny and betray the U.S. before Period 9 ends in 2040? Bear in mind that the U.S was built & formed by putting hand on the Bible as below :
- Jesus *answered, “Will you lay down your life for Me? Truly, truly, I say to you, a rooster will not crow until you deny Me three times. John 13:38
Stay Tuned for More Information
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