- We have entered Period 9 ( Purple Fire 九紫火运- 离卦中女能量) since 21 Dec 2020.
- For details, kindly click https://www.mastersoon.com/2021-we-have-entered-into-new-era-period-9/
- The global outcomes as below show that the power has shifted to middle age feminine energy.
- The fertility Rate drops further globally(especially in developed & developing countries)
- Divorce Rate is getting higher Vs Marriage Rate is getting lower.
- The Peak of Property Industry(Period 8 – Earth)is over;
- Virtual industries/home-based are taking over. Both are feminine power.
- The rise of new industries based on Satellites(Fire) & Virtuals(Eyes); Fire & Eyes are under Period 9.
- American superpower(Earth) is being challenged by Russia & China for the 1st time since 1991.
- Multiculturalism and diversification going on are the signs of how Purple Fire burns & takes over Earth(Period 8).
- Hence, it is not accurate ANYMORE if you still stick to Period 8 to draft your home feng shui.
- For example, South West Kun sector 西南坤卦 is regarded and treated as the Wife sector.
- However, this is no longer relevant since Period 9 Purple Fire.
- Purple Fire has changed the world. How many lives have been burned away by Covid 19?
- Be wise to see the global signs and symptoms.
- Ladies, if you still stick to South West(symbol of Mother, Old ladies, Tummy, Bulky, Muddy & Murky) for your feng shui, you will get a very ugly & unpleasant outlook in accordance with the traits mentioned above.
- Rather, you should be more open-minded to the new arrival of feminine power in conjunction with Period 9.
- The only benefit if you ladies stick to SW for enhancement is; you do have money luck to you and your husband.
- However, the prices you have to pay, as there is NO FREE Lunch in this world, energy is an exchange:
- expediting your aging process(Tummy, Bulky, Muddy & Murky) 未老先衰
- losing out in terms of Feminine Romanticism 失去妩媚软实力
- losing out in terms of Feminine Seductiveness & Attractiveness 失去风骚爆炸力
- losing out in terms of Feminine Spongy Juiciness 失去销魂海绵力
- and many other Feminine sprinkling effects 失去女性独有的 天女洒水能力
- Why? Because feng shui is in fact a form of Energy Transfer(energy is transferable & mutatable)
- In order to increase the probability of getting Money Luck from the SW sector, you have switched off your feminine power, in order for all energy to be directed to SW for MONEY.
- Just like many housewives losing their seductive & feminine power, but their husbands’ careers are getting powerful & more auspicious.
- Similarly, this could happen reversely, vice-versa.
- There are 2 major channels you lose such precious power to your partners; either willingly/unwillingly or intentionally/unintentionally.
- Your Home Feng Shui (Energy Transfer) 人吃宅气
- Your Sex Life (Energy Transmutation) 人吃人气
- This is just a basic introduction to how you treat & handle feng shui at the other-dimensional/ metaphysical level;
- The whole theoretical framework is based on
- Transferability of Energy
- Mutability of Energy
- Transformation of Energy
- If a piece of Crispy-Skinned Baked Chicken Drumstick could make your day…. then
- Why not Human essence …..
Stay Tuned for More Info about Chinese Daoism Alchemy
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