“Pre-Creation vitality”(tài hé yuán qì) means that Confucian thoughts embody the most essential and noble aspect of the entire human thoughts, as the energy gives birth to all things, enabling human thought to reach a supreme state.
語見〔周易,乾彖辭〕:「乾道變化,各正性命,保合太和,乃利貞。首出庶物, … 把「太和」看作宇宙陰陽未分之混沌狀態,和「道」的意義相仿。
Quotation of太和tài hé from Yijing
Qian Hexagram: When the Stage of Qian starts to manifest, the visible & invisible dominion of life force blend each other harmoniously, crystalizing the very first existence of Pre-Creation Vitality…… This concept is similar to the Dao of Daoism.
元气 yuán qì Life Force / Vitality
Source of Concept of元气 yuán qì could be traced to Pre-Qin Dynasty (211 B.C)
先秦(公元前221年)和西汉(公元前202年—公元8年)时期有不少涉气的著作 如《老子》、《列子》、《庄子》、《管子》、《鹖冠子 》、《荀子》、《淮南子》、《黄帝内经》等 , 都是道家著作或与道家有关的著作
Lots of Daoism classics talked about元气 yuán qì from era before 221 B.C – 8 A.D) . For example “Lao Zi” “Liezi”, “Zhuangzi”, “Guanzi”, “Heguanzi”, “Xunzi”, “Huainanzi”, “Huangdi Neijing” …..
真相1:孔子受到《道》的启发,他公开承认这一点。 (当时没有形而上学知识的极端分歧,但是后来学者们进行了分隔的努力创造了各种门派)
Truth 1: Confucius was inspired by Daoism & he acknowledged this openly. (There was no drastic division of metaphysical knowledge back then but the effort of compartmentalization by scholars, later on, created the division)
Truth 2: Metaphysics is not purely about external technical know-how, but rather one kind of inner power hidden within you.
Truth 3: The power is hidden within your pituitary gland somewhere around your forehead (3rd eye)
Kindly examine my forehead & facial transfiguration on the former residence of Confucius, right in front of 太和元气tài hé yuán qì (photo taken on 05 Nov 2017)
Bible also recorded the radiance face of Moses (Exodus 34:29-35) & the transfiguration of Jesus (Mathew 17:2). Yet, it was purposefully diluted/weakened by the Church because this is the road to tap your very inner power……
Stay Tuned for More Inspiration …..
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