You exist before your wonderful life.
If you don’t exist, there is no life story to talk about. and so,
There is destiny first, and then the starting point of your fate later, and then,
Unfolding your life’s wonderful “Wind & Water”, “Green Dragon and White Tiger”, “The Blowing of Heavenly Wind and Cloud”, that put color into your life.
The ancients referred to as “The most important is your DESTINY, the 2nd is your LUCK, the 3rd is your Feng shui” by sequence.
这是为什么本人坚持在调理风水之前,必定将客户的个人先天命理条件审查清楚,因为你将要给他处理的洋楼/办公楼风水 都是他的命运给予他的。先有命运,后才买到好风水。
This is why I insist on reviewing the client’s conditions thru Birth Data(BaZi) clearly before adjusting Feng Shui because those bungalow/office building Feng Shui you will deal with is given to him by his destiny. He must have a good destiny that enables him to buy Good Feng Shui sites.
明白了这各中的哲学,你就不会再盲目崇拜风水师;因为你肉体的命是你父母给与你的,你的好风水是前世累积福报,造就了今生命运(destiny) 给予你的好风水。 你的一命、二运、三风水全是你个人带来的(简称内在能量 Inner Power),跟外人没有关系。
如何理解你的Inner Power 呢?
审查个人生辰八字,查阅其人一生的起伏、黄金十年,命运低潮期 是其中一种帮助你理解此人Inner Power 的手段。
附上一则做生意的客户演算过去未来,大胆告诫其黄金20年即将于2025年4月结束(其实他心里有数)。同时,本人估计他将继续保持兴旺, 因为他也经常修心,累计功德。(其实这生意人也是信仰非常坚定的人;用信仰和对自己的信心,开发了自己的inner power)
虽然聘请本人勘查他的风水, 但居于真理,本人还是提醒他多做善事,多修心,多修福德才是王道,才是上上之策。
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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