- I am busy with online consultation as clients are preparing for new year planning.
- I learn a lot from my clients thru their questions. This allows me to see what is going during MCO in terms of their career and family.
- Today I would like to zoom down on 1 single topic & share my thoughts.
- Undoubtedly, females in Malaysian Chinese(MC) society are treated equally & fairly by their men or husbands; as MC practices monogamy.
- However, this is not the case for Muslims, where males could marry more than 1 wife.
- Relatively speaking, Malaysian Chinese women enjoy gender equality in the true sense practically; and Malaysian Chinese men acknowledge this.
- However, strangely but truly, be Chinese speaking or English speaking, be highly educated or medium educated, be urban or rural; there is an unspoken traditional value in Malaysian Chinese mindset as below:
- Comparatively speaking, Malaysian Chinese is NOT open and liberal like Muslims; in marrying a divorcee.
- Muslims are more liberal and open-minded in marrying a divorcee.
- A divorcee is not the 1st, 2nd or 3rd priority for a Malaysian Chinese be male or female to be considered as a legal life partner.
- At least, this is a mutual consensus among Malaysian Chinese from highly educated to medium educated; from upper class to medium class.
- Malaysian Chinese(MC) society looks open-minded and westernized apparently or externally ONLY.
- However, MC is much more conservative than Chinese in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan & even Singapore.
- Men in China taking divorcee as a wife are very common due to China’s destructive gender ratio imbalance. Yet,
- 2nd marriage by abandoning children is NOT blessed in Malaysian Chinese(MC) society.
- MC is very traditional when they come to family matters; regardless of Mandarin-speaking or English speaking.
- No MC man is proud of marrying somebody’s ex-wife.
- This explains why a lot of Malaysian Chinese women find it much harder to get married again after divorcing ex-husbands; compared to Malay female counterparts.
- In this matter, the rights of Muslim women are truly honored because they have ALL the rights to get married again and be encouraged by their society.
- While for Malaysian Chinese female divorcees, they have to face certain unseen social punishment(including rumors) if they wanted to get married.
- Malaysian Chinese divorcees are possibly preyed/victimized by boyfriends or married men for intimate relationships.
- Fortunately, most MC female divorcees pay full attention to their children from the 1st marriage and remain single mothers.
- Therefore, my advice to Malaysian Chinese wives, think twice before divorcing.
- However, you can go ahead with the 2nd marriage if you have 2 superpowers as below:
- Personal Financial Superpower
- Sexual Superpower
- Perhaps you can find an MC man who is willing to trade his marriage/ social respect with your 2 superpowers.
- Nevertheless, make sure the 2 superpowers must be sustained for the next 30 years to come.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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