- All statistics are quoted from the Department of Statistics Malaysia that was released on 27 May 2021.
- Indigenous People in East Malaysia(Iban, Kadazan, Dusun, Bidayuh, Murut, etc), Indigenous People in West Malaysia(Orang Asli), Bumiputera Muslim, Bumiputera Christian are all unified and merged under the category of BUMIPUTERA.
- However, Non-Bumiputera is divided into Chinese, Indian, and Others.
- The messages are clear as below :
- It is a positive sign that the population is not divided by religion.
- This ensures citizens do not perceive the country from the divisiveness of religion.
- Yet, the categorization is not consistent as if the Bumiputera concept is applied then it should be consistently applying Bumiputera Vs Non-Bumiputera.
- However, Non-Bumiputera is divided into 3 categories: Chinese, Indian & Others.
- The charts promote the unification of Bumiputera by diluting the differences, although Bumiputera is divided into Muslim Vs Christian & Malay Vs Non-Malay.
- On the other hand, the chart orientation promotes divisiveness among Non-Bumiputera by emphasizing ethnicity(Chinese, Indian & Others).
- In short, The differences among Bumiputera are hidden, while the differences among Non-Bumiputera are highlighted.
- According to the statistics by Q1, 2021 for Chinese
- 22.5% of the whole Malaysia population
- 10.4% of the Live Births
- 26.7% of the Deaths
- Malaysian Chinese(MC) should understand why their population number is decreasing yearly.
- MC consists of 22.5% of Malaysia’s population, yet only 10.4% for Live Births.
- The birth rate is
2.1 timeslower than the existing population rate(Not the case for Bumiputera). - If you talk to a married male MC about a low fertility rate for a family, he would answer you righteously:
- ” Oh, I am much more righteous and ethical than Judas Iscariot in this case. Because Judas betrayed & disowned Jesus 3 times before the rooster crows”. (Matthew 26:73-75)
- “But in my case, I only disown my ethnic, my children & progeny
2.1 times in my bedbefore the dawn, slightly BETTER than Judas Iscariot, in terms of betrayal and disloyalty to my progeny.” - Obviously, it is low Fertility among MC that causes the shrinking percentage of MC.
- On top of that, you keep a distance away from dedicating & sacrificing yourself to serve in various national services like Policing, National Defence, Healthcare Frontliners, Firefighting, Security, etc on one hand; but demanding super quality service from them on the other hand.
- If Malaysia has provided you with such a super exciting bridal chamber and with such a conducive tropical climate for your personal pleasure without worrying about any EXTRA childbearing burden & skipping the responsibility for procreating next generation & sacrificing for national services ;
- then why do you still complain about Malaysia mistreating you after achieving various levels of pleasure climax in your expensive bridal chamber inside your luxurious property?
- You want personal pleasure again and again but
reject the birthrights to your own progeny. - You have successfully subscribed to this individualistic & self-centered philosophy since the middle of the 1980s until you win the heart of Malay and are given a special title: Cina Babi.
- The second issue here: the Death is 26.7%; Vs 22.5%, the rate of MC population.
- This is shockingly high and irreplaceable.
- The myth that MC is physically healthier(although skinny), mentally stronger, and longer life(due to safer working environments by rejecting jobs like riskier national services) is proven to be unfounded.
- MC should introspect themselves why since they have in full control of most of the luxurious properties with modern setup for their bridal chamber, yet the fertility rate is so far below replaceable level.
- What is the point of having so many properties(each with a beautiful bridal chamber) but with so few offspring?
- What is the point that you own a super big house but filled with
coolness and loneliness? - MC only have themselves to blame because they fully adopt western values(since mid the 1980s) but living in the ocean of the Muslim world.
- They wanted the pleasure that could be instigated from the bridal chamber, but refusing the birthrights for their progeny.
- A big congratulations to MC for your BIG life in Malaysia, that you could enjoy super sexual climaxes by rejecting the birthrights of your own DNA continuation.
- Because there is
no offspringto inherit your property.
Stay Tuned
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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