- 根据风水二元八运理论;
- 先天九运 时间段 : 2017年 – 2043 (管理地球27年)
- 正当人们慢着日常的时候,九运离火经已静悄悄的于2017年进入我们的生活中。
- 特朗普于2017年当选全球第一霸主美国总统,其2018年一系列奇特言论和政策,紧接着2019年疫情被公布、到2020年疫情大爆发;再到2021年全球爆发各种不同的新病毒和新任美国总统。
- 可见2017-2021年所发生的国际事件都是划时代性的标签!
- 科学家说在病毒完全消失前,疫情还会跟人类共存5年左右。
- 到那时候,世界完全进入风水后天地气9运(2024-2043年)
- 那么,当下有啥讯息让你做准备呢?
- 我给大家先列出三个要点供大家参考如下:
- 第一,以八运土行为代表的房产暴利时代大势已去, 2024年之后一去不复返。
- 由于疫情巨大改变了经济和商业模式,只有住宅房产继续受到青睐!
- 随着八运五行土于2024年结束,人们更加理性投资房产!
- 第二,新能源飞速崛起,比如电力、电讯、能源、新能源和人工技能等行业。
- 新模式电器、电能汽车、互联网、通信等进入人们的生活当中。
- 告别过去具体实在的办公楼,以虚幻模式取代之。
- 第三,美业将是未来趋势
- 人们对美学和审美价值的要求提高,对优美的外表和设计非常讲究。
- 美容、美发、装饰品、建筑、室内设计、服装搭配、美食的美感要求发生了巨大变化和追捧;将牵动这些行业做出革命性的转变。
- 00后开始进入市场,不同的审美需求进入前台。
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com
- According to Feng Shui Dual Cycle Eight Period Theory;
- Pre-Heaven Period 9: 2017 – 2043 (27 years of managing the earth)
- While people are focusing on their daily lives, Period 9 (Li Trigram Fire) has quietly entered our lives in 2017.
- Trump was elected as the world’s top hegemonic US president in 2017. His series of peculiar remarks and policies in 2018, followed by the announcement of the epidemic in 2019, the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020, and the global outbreak in 2021. The new virus and the new president of the United States.
- It can be seen that the international events that occurred in 2017-2021 are epoch-making labels!
- Scientists say that the pandemic will coexist with humans for about 5 years before the virus disappears completely.
- At that time, the world has completely entered Feng Shui Period 9 ( According to Three Cycle 9 Period Theory), from 2024-2043.
- So, what information is there for you to prepare?
- I will give you 3 main points for your reference as follows:
- First, the era of huge real estate profits represented by the Period 8 is over, and will never return after 2024.
- As the epidemic has greatly changed the economy and business model, only residential real estate continues to be favored!
- With the end of the Period 8 Earth Elements in 2023, people will invest more rationally in real estate!
- Second, the rapid rise of new energy, such as electric power, telecommunications, new energy, and artificial intelligence.
- New models of electrical appliances, electric vehicles, Internet, and communications have not only entered people’s lives;but push to new level.
- Say goodbye to the concrete office buildings in the past and replace them with illusory & virtual models.
- Third, Industry based on “Beauty” will be the future trend
- People have higher requirements for aesthetics and aesthetic values, and they are very particular about beautiful appearance and design.
- The aesthetic requirements for beauty, hairdressing, decorations, architecture, interior design, clothing matching, and food have undergone tremendous changes and pursuits; these industries will be driven
to make revolutionary changes. - Generation 2000-2009 start entering consumer market, and different aesthetic needs to be at the front desk!
Are you ready !
Foresee more trends in the future, so stay tuned!
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com