《2021辛丑年看大马国运 3》马国马棚牛栏启示录
1. 庚子辛丑取象《壁上土》,依附屋瓦砖木周边墙;也是现代固化水泥土。
2. 对应大大的大马(自以为是)不就是马棚吗?
4. 所以去年大马行管封锁Rakyat 住马槽/马棚;今年MCO.2住牛栏!
5. 马场马槽干燥舒服过,今年辛丑牛栏湿臭地,实在呆也呆不
7. 庚子就是屋脊土,煞气经过浮虚土,表示阳气非常弱,依附栋
8. 也是天生天杀之一年,六十甲子轮回来一遍;要命收元开启新纪元!
9. 纪元开元又是新一年,所以称为辛(新)丑(筹)年。
10. 新筹(辛丑)逐渐代旧码,犹如丁丁取代糊涂马。
11. 若要此后年年棒棒的, 骑牛揾马是良药妙计。
12. 所以今年不要太大意, 看好准准一刀才下去。
备注 :辛就是刀。
Synthesis in English
The semi-poetic illustration for year 2021 in Chinese for Malaysia is something as below:
1. According to Nayin system in Chinese Metaphysics, 2020 & 2021 are categorized as cement earth / wall of a building.
2. Earth on the wall is the end product of the EARTH element, hence it is the least natural & weakest in term of energy.
3. Therefore, arrival of Geng Zi in 60 years cycle is always accompanied with disasters, be natural or man-made.
4. Immediate after Geng Zi is Xin Chou year, Xin (new or renewal) is the beginning of the new dimension, but with very weak energy since it just bounds back from the bottom.
5. If 2020 was meant as “reaching the bottom”; then 2021 is meant as “recovering from the bottom”.
6. 2020 took away the old era & 2021 symbolizes the beginning of the new timeline.
7. “Xin” 辛 means New or Renewal; while Chou丑 means smell from the past.
8. Hence, these teach us metaphysically to get ready for new era with new lifestyle, new mode of production; while learning from the painful past.
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