- 根据天干理论,
- 2020庚金是天狱和天刑,
- 2021辛金是天庭和正法,
- 根据地支理论,
- 2021丑土寒气是物矿,
- 坟墓、牢狱、黑社会。
- 沼泽、厕所、下水道,私情、淫乱
- 根据八卦理论,《20》《21》
- 20除于8卦=余数4震动而起,龙行天空,建功立业、声名大振
- 21除于8卦=余数5巡风而起,无孔不入,静悄崛起,三倍利润。
- 根据六壬理论,
- 2020庚金为杀戮人命、死丧、疾病,白天做坏事+资讯.
- 2021辛金为主阴险、遮蔽、成败俱在暗中,有凶有吉之象
- 那么,我们可以用逻辑思维推论,2021年的趋势和商机如下:
- 天庭继续收割人命,天生天杀!腾出空间让你发展!你洞察先机了吗?
- 原先的格局给打破,新格局未成熟!给自己霸位置了吗?
- 新格局未定,谁敢抢,谁就得先机!你行动了吗?
- 地下的横财在流动,有你的份吗?
- 有人赚取利润三倍、三十倍、三百倍。你呢?
- 今年是牛魔王之年,逻辑推论如下:
- 牛魔王的暗财、偏财、横财的机会好多,你看见机会了吗?
- 牛魔王的物质财产都藏在隐秘之处,物质比美猴王强多了。钱财不漏眼,曝光财位没横财,你家财位摆正了吗?
- 牛魔王比美猴王稳重如山, 广招四方财路。你的内心稳定了吗?
- 牛魔王有两个老婆铁扇公主和玉面公主(自行解读重点)
- 美女爱财大气粗的牛魔王,若要美人归,学习牛魔王??
- 总结如下(非常重要),
- 马无夜草不肥,人无横财不富。但是,
- 横财不富命穷人,夜草不肥痨病马。
- 也是验证了 一命、二运、三风水
- 你天生的命是第一,而命运又受到自己的因果决定。
- 看一看牛魔王的下场,马上知道答案!
- 所以,看风水需盖括个人命理,因果、业力和福报才能算是周全!
- 反之,就是邪知邪见。
备注 : 天网恢恢 疏而不漏
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com
- According to the heavenly stem theory,
- 2020 Geng Metal is Heavenly Prison and Heavenly Punishment,
- 2021 Xin Metal is Heavenly Court & Justice.
- According to the earthly branch theory,
- 2021 ugly soil is Yin negative air & minerals,
- Tombs, Prisons, and Underworld.
- Swamps, toilets, sewers, affair, fornication.
- According to the theory of Yijing, “20” “21”
- Dividing 20 by 8 trigrams = remainder 4, means shaking up, moving in the sky, making contributions and fame gaining.
- 21 divided by 8 trigrams = remainder 5 patrols the wind, all pervasive, quietly rising, triple the profit.
- According to Liuren theory,
- 2020 Geng Metal for killing lives, deaths, and diseases, openly do bad things during the day + information.
- 2021 Xin Metal is insidious, closeted & sheltered, success and failure are in the dark, both evil and good luck
- Then, we can use logical thinking to infer that the trends and business opportunities in 2021 are as follows:
- Heavenly Court continues to harvest human lives, born to kill! Making room for new development & opportunity! Have you grabbed the opportunity?
- The current order is broken, and the new era is immature! Have you given yourself a chance?
- The new pattern/order is undecided, whoever dares to grab will have the opportunity! Have you acted?
- The underground windfall is flowing, do you have your share?
- Someone enjoys profits three times, thirty times, or three hundred times. What about you?
- This year is the year of the Bull Demon King. The logical conclusion is as follows:
- There are many opportunities under the Bull Demon King’s darkness, side income and windfall wealth. Do you see the opportunity?
- The material possessions of the Bull Demon King are hidden in secret places, and his material possession is much bigger & abundant than the Monkey King. The opportunity of wealth should be secretive. Exposed money corner is not a good feng shui. Is your money corner kept in secret?
- The Bull Demon King is gigantically stable as a mountain than the Monkey King, and he recruits wealth from all directions. Is your inner self stable & firm?
- The Bull Demon King has two wives, Princess Iron Fan and Princess Jade Face (decode the key points by yourself)
- Beautiful women love the masculine Bull Devil King with rich wealth, if you want to attract pretty ladies, learn from the Bull Devil King!
- Summarized as follows (very important),
- A horse doesn’t get fat without extra feed, a man doesn’t get rich without extra income. But, the truth is
- Abundant wealth does not lead to the poor but to the predestined rich, because the night grass does not fatten up a sick horse.
- This is verified in accordance to the metaphysical sequence: 1st Destiny, 2nd Luck, and 3rd fengshui.
- Your gifted destiny is first, and destiny is determined by your own KARMA.
- Take a look at the fate of the Bull Devil King, and you will know the answer immediately!
- Therefore, Feng Shui Audit must consider Personal Destiny Reading (BaZi), Personal Karma, & Personal Ethics to be comprehensive
- Else, it’s an evil knowledge!
Remarks : To no man will we refuse justice
For more truths, stay tuned!
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com