- 根据八卦理论,《20》《21》
- 20除于8卦=余数4震动而起,东方之龙、破土而出,突发事变、震慑四方
- 21除于8卦=余数5巡风而起,风起云涌,龙翔凤跃两相连。
- 看先天分层图(Stratification of Pre-Heaven) ,
- 4号为震卦,处于地道(Geomantics),
- 5号为巽卦,处于天道(Cosmantics),
- 1,2,3,4 在左为阳面
- 5,6,7,8 在右为阴面
- 去年2020年,《20》《20》
- 20除于8卦=余数4震雷
- 20除于8卦=余数4震雷
- 所以,去年2020年,两个4震雷,
- 一是双双处于左阳面,没有阴阳协调;人类处于被动。
- 二是最接近地府(hell) 疫情横扫全球。
- 今年,2021年,一个4震雷,一个5巽风
- 一是有一阴一阳;阴阳协调;人类处于自动位置
- 二是今年有地府鬼神到人间;也有天庭神将参与。
- 4数震雷接近地府(坤),而5数巽风接近天庭(乾)
- 意味天庭、地府和人间三个空间交织。
- 理论是先天八卦(请看地球时空分层图)的
- 中心是地球(以太极球为代表)
- 今年的4数为震雷在下方的地道(Geomantics)
- 今年的5数为巽风在上方为天道(Cosmantics)
- 现象是,越来越多人看见、拍摄许多
- 天空中灵异现象,如龙凤型云朵或于宗教有关的异象
- 地表河流或山中超乎人类目前知识范围的认知。
- 去年2020年,两个4数,只有地面上的地位不高、能力有限的地方小神(地道)帮助人类。所以子年(地府鬼兵) 完胜,成功收割地球人命!
- 今年天庭插手,5数天道巽风(Cosmantics) ;这可以从天上的灵异现象看见。
- 今年是过度的一年,人命继续被收割,因为地府鬼兵已经在2019年进入人道,而天庭今年才针对性介入。
- 除了人类以外,在这地球还有其他生物生存于不同空间维度。
- 殊不知,若不是天庭经年保护地球,以美国科技为首的太空防卫系统,是无法保护地球被陨石摧毁;而这种防御是每天在发生着。
- 人类不懂感恩,迷失在物质追求上,把错的当成对,把假的当成真。这才是地球人命惨被收割的原因之一。
- 2021-2022 是过度的两年;你在今年的努力决定你明年的机会。
- 明年的机会决定你未来5年的成败!
- 看懂附图,您就明白为何儒、释、道的真正内容不是要人类去跪拜鬼神,而是了解他们之后,修炼而超越鬼神。
- 不是华人没有信仰,而是超越人造的信仰。
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com
- According to the theory of Yijing, “20” “21”
- 20 divided by 8 trigrams = remainder 4 shaking up, the dragon of the east, breaking out of the ground, sudden incidents, dominating all direction.
- 21 divided by 8 trigrams = remainder 5 patrols the wind, the wind is surging, the dragon and the phoenix are connected.
- Look at the Stratification of Pre-Heaven Diagram,
- No. 4 is Zhen Trigram, it is in Geomantics,
- No. 5 is the Xun Trigram, it is in Cosmantics,
- 1, 2, 3, 4 on the left is the Yang Domain
- 5, 6, 7, 8 on the right is the Yin Domain
- Last year 2020, “20” “20”
- 20 divided by 8 trigrams = remainder 4 Thunder
- 20 divided by 8 trigrams = remainder 4 Thunder
- So, in 2020 last year, there were two 4 thunders,
- Firstly, it was that both numbers are on the left side and there is no yin and yang coordination; human beings are passive.
- Secondly, it was the closest to the hell(Kun diagram), the epidemic has swept the world.
- This year, 2021, one 4 thunderstorm, one 5 wind
- First, it is that there is one yin and one yang; yin and yang coordinate; human beings are in a relatively advantage position.
- Second, there will be ghosts and spirits from the underworld this year; there will also be gods from heaven.
- Number 4 thunderstorm is close to the Earthly Mansion (Kun), and Number 5 wind is close to Heavenly Court (Qian)
- It means that the three spaces of heaven, earth and human are intertwined.
- The theory is at Pre-Heaven Bagua (Stratification of Pre-Heaven)
- The center is the earth (represented by Tai Chi Ball)
- This year’s Number 4 are at the below, the thunder (Geomantics)
- This year’s Number 5 is at the top, the wind above (Cosmantics)
- The phenomenon is that more and more people see and shoot many
- Spiritual phenomena in the sky, such as dragon and phoenix clouds or religious-related visions
- Phenomena beyond the current scope of human knowledge in surfaces of rivers & mountains.
- In 2020 last year, there were two 4 numbers, only the little gods/ spirits (undergrounds) on the ground where the level is not high and the ability is limited help humans. So 2020 (the ghost soldiers of the underworld) won the victory and successfully harvested human lives of the earth!
- This year, the Heavenly Court has intervened, as indicated by Number 5 wind (Cosmantics); this can be seen from the supernatural phenomena in the sky.
- This year is a transitional year, and human lives continue to be harvested, because the ghost soldiers of the underworld have entered the human world since 2019, and the heavens only intervened in a targeted manner this year.
- In addition to humans, there are other creatures living in different dimensions on this earth.
- As everyone knows, if it were not for the heavenly court to protect the earth over the years, the space defense system led by American technology would not be able to protect the earth from being destroyed by meteorites; and this defense is happening every day.
- Human beings
don’t understand gratitude, get lost in material pursuits, regard the wrong as a good, and the false as true.This is one of the reasons why the lives of the earth have been tragically harvested. - 2021-2022 are transitional two years; your efforts this year determine your chances next year.
- Next year’s opportunity determines your success or failure in the next 5 years!
- After reading the attached drawings, you will understand why the real content of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism is not to ask humans to kneel down and worship ghosts and gods, but to cultivate and surpass them after understanding them.
- It is not that the Chinese do not have faith, but that it is beyond artificial faith.
For details, stay tuned!
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
WhatsApp : +60125603333
电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com