- This is One of my personal route for Power Walk / Dragon Walk.
- I finished it at 1:40pm today & managed to take the map for my readers’ reference..
- Power Walk / Dragon Walk is a walk along dragon vein 龙脉 for enhancement.
- Dragon Vein 龙脉 is the powerful vein of nature life force on earth surface.
- It is a form of Taiji life-force exercise太极 but the main objective is to get/grab/tap the life force from the mother earth.
- Shengji 生基 (Living tomb) is derived from this concept and methodology.
- Stanley Ho Hung-sun何鸿燊 (Hong Kongese-Macau billionaire businessman and philanthropist) was making use of this method to prolong his life from 88-98 years.
- Zero cost but absolute empowerment and rejuvenation; as long as you walk on the Dragon Vein.
- Dragon Vein could be divided according to quality.
- The route is considered Grade B.
- This route is good for HEALTH.
Stay Tuned for technical know-how .
- 这是我的个人行龙采气路线之一。
- 我今天下午1:40完成了此工作,并设法将地图取下来供读者参考。
- Power Walk / Dragon Walk是一种沿着龙脉龙脉的散步,以增强效果。
- 龙脉是地球表面自然生命力的强大脉络。
- 它是太极气功训练的一种形式,但主要目的是从大地获取/抓住/采取生命力。
- 生基(Shengji生基)就是从这一概念和方法学衍生而来的。
- 何鸿燊(港澳澳门亿万富翁商人和慈善家)曾经利用这种方法将其寿命延长88-98岁。
- 零成本,但绝对赋予权力和复兴;只要你在龙脉上行走
- 龙脉可以根据质量进行划分。
- 该路线被视为B级。
- 这条路线对健康有益.
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