- The commitment of the Yijing 易经 in precognition / foreknowledge / intuition / psyche / sixth sense / telepathy, inevitably leads to the art of prophecy of higher level of state affair or international affairs.
- Prophecy is one of the highest forms of mental strength /power and a vital part of mankind higher self development. Hence,
- According to Yijing, Year 20-20 is Number 4. Zhen trigram, Thunder.
- According to Yijing 震为雷,为东, 为动 ;Zhen is thunder, is East, is arousing / awakening.
- The world in the East is awakening / resurging.
- East refers to Asia, Asian countries are making a come back after 500 years of Western Domination since 1520.
- Does “East” itself refer to / include Region outside of Asia also? 《YES》.
- Can Resurgence also refer to the world outside of Asia?《Yes》
- How do you derive to the YES above & which region aparts from Asia will also experience some kind of awakening after 500 years asleep?
- According to the mutable change concept 变易 in Yijing. 震为雷,为苍筤竹,Number 4, Zhen trigram is thunder, is light green bamboo.
- Based on primary research online on bamboo-related countries / regions are as below.
- China is largest producer of Bamboo in the world and India comes second in the world. Other bamboo-related countries include, Brazil, Japan, Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines & some third world countries in Africa.
- Hence, the region could get global attention by regions are
- East Asia(China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan)
- South East Asia as a WHOLE.
- South Asia (India in particular, followed by Pakistan, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka)
- Brazil, Peru & Ecuador.
- However, the second opinion that may give us a more regional inclusive picture as below
- When both map of World Bamboo Distribution are combined; the regions may getting MORE Global Attention will be :
- East Asia
- South East Asia
- South Asia
- Central America
- Central Africa
- Latin America
- South Eastern part of United State.
- The conclusion based on these 2 maps are, the global/international influence of United State will be reduced by 40-50%(based on second map above); while various Asian countries, African countries , Central Americans, & South Americans will share / fill up the global glory vacated by United State and the West; regardless whether willingly or painfully.
- Some of the economists may have pessimistic view on South America economics. If South America is excluded, then we get the power distribution as below:
- The global glory / power / sport light will be shared more or less
- equally among Asian countries by 65%
- 7% to African countries
- and America still capture 28% .
- According to Consistent of Inconsistency Concept in Yijing 震为雷, 为震为雷,为萑苇, Number, Zhen trigram is thunder, is one kind of Aloe Vera.
- Again, this map proposes that United States’ global domination is reduced to South Western part. The decline in size is more than 50%.
- Be Indochina peninsula or Nusantara, South East Asia flourishes as a whole continuously; no matter how badly United States fighting with China.
- Southeast Asia could be benefited from global investments, when US, Japan or the West pullout from China; and Southeast Asia is an alternative to the funds.
- Nevertheless, as explained in Episode II, Number 2(due to year 20-20) is Big Lake.
- South China Sea is metaphysically the Big Lake(Number 2) surrounded by ASEAN.
- South China Sea will be one of the battlefield between US Vs China ; in very near future.
- It seems that analysis in Episode III does not mention about the West (Europe), Russia & Islamic countries.
- Yet, Kindly be assured that Yijing tell a lot about the future for Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Satanism, Secularism, Freemason….. any many more…..including Europe & Russia.
- It is just a matter of how to decode them one after another by linking up with Bible, Torah, Quran.….
- Yijing is for well being of humanity & mankind. It just like science belongs to mankind as a whole.
- Yijing does not belong to China alone although it was found in Ancient China; just like science does not belong to the West alone, although the West was the one first to initiate it.
- Clearly, the rise of the EAST after 2020; Zhen, the Number 4 , the Bamboo, the Aloe Vera.... is not restricted to China.
- Rather, it refers to Common Prosperity Shared Among Many Asians / Central Africans / Central Americans / Latin Americans ; apart from US, the West, Russia, & Islamic World.
For further reading pleasure kindy click :
- http://www.mastersoon.com/the-world-outlook-after-coronavirus-2020-episode-ii/
- http://www.mastersoon.com/the-world-outlook-after-coronavirus-2020-episode-i/
Stay Tuned
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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