- Mankind in 21st century have been raised in such a way that they can achieve whatever they wish by any mean.
- But now they literally cannot in year 2020; after hitting by coronavirus / Covid 19 suddenly.
- Yijing 易经 has made her projection for the world after Coronavirus 2020, based on
- Deductive-cum-Inductive logic
- Organized common sense,
- Enlightened orderly riddle solving,
- Numerology
- Symbology
- Space – Time Continuum
- Futurology
- In Episode I, let us focus on how & what is happening now that would shape the world outcomes.
- According to Numerology(exterior) Yijing, Number 2 & 0 are the catchy numbers apparently.
- Number 2 is Dui Trigram 兑卦;0, is the multiplier for Number 2 apart from
destroyer. - According to Yijing, 《说卦传》中说:兑为毁折。 Dui, is about Destruction & Damage. Dui proposes the pattern of the damage is TOP – Down.
- World Economy & Finance (Metal) experience major deforming, crushing & wrecking
- Banking (metal) System is being wounded by the impact as well.
- According to Semantics of Ancient Classics《說文》:『毀,缺也,一曰壞也』。Damage refers to Decaying & Weakening.
- Western ideology & world order(based on western legal system) are weakening, since Number 2 refers to West in term of direction & Number 2(Dui trigram) refers to slogan/mouth.
- International political & economic system are decaying / weakening.
- According to Yijing《说卦传》中说:“兑为口舌” Dui is about mouth & oral; refer to communication & languages.
- Digital Word of Mouth & Virtual IT will be getting more popular.
- Telecommunication Industry(including Vision Reality) is getting attractive & well-received.
- English is till the top language for opportunities; yet Chinese language is catching up.
- According to Semantics of Ancient Classics《說文》:『毀,訾也』。《論語》:『誰毀誰譽』。 Destruction includes Defamation & Slandering .
- There will be some kind of focus to the political, technological, and commercial dispute between US and China on how much leeway in the competitive market for telecom domination with national security concern.
- According to Yijing《说卦传》中说:其于地也,为刚卤。It is about mining and minerals underneath & land related.
- Crucial Mining / Mineral Industry will be protected for
national security & trade war. - Environmentalism, Agrarianism and Naturalism will be a new direction of values.
- Property Outlook in term of Taste / Style/ Value will never be the same
- Crucial Mining / Mineral Industry will be protected for
- According to Yijing 《说卦传》中说:“为附决”. Dui means breaking down, breaching & bursting
- High possibility for many Small & Medium Industries to be eliminated.
- In short, the world after Coronavirus 2020, should be perceived from different perspective. The world after 2020 will be experiencing some kind of defects & imperfections before rising up vigorously & healthily; but on different platform and conception.
- The transition would not necessarily be negative or chaotic. But it could be understood by reversing the number as below.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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