- The world in year 2020 is a year full of mess, chao, confusion, turmoil, distraction, danger, disorientation and fear.
- The people throughout the whole world are experiencing anxiety, unrest, misfortune, irritation, anger, pain, grief and misery for today, tomorrow and many months to come.
- According to David Rockefeller
This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long – We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.
- Yes, you are in this transitional period; each and everyone; no one escapes.
- The questions are
- How well have you prepared before the old window closed down completely?
- What should you prepare for the new window opening ?
- Why you should know who are the winners & losers ?
- When to start for your preparation for the change ?
- What are the programme content should be in your preparation list?
- Restriction on Movement Order and Lockdown are imposed by majority countries throughout the world.
- This is the golden moment for you to prepare BEFORE the old window shut down Completely.
- What you can do during this very limited time are as below :
- Soul Searching, dive deep into your spirit and listen to your inner self.
- Career Planning. Economic & Financial structure will change & you to need accordingly.
- Lifestyle.
- Family Life
- Religion & Spirituality
- In short, you need to have a futuristic planning for yourself and your family.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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