- Islamic Resurgence and Power is Always The Biggest Threat Towards The WEST, Since The Birth of Islam. 2011, is the year to see more efforts to push for Islamization as well as Anti-Islamization in Europe… If the West does not make use of 2011-2020, then, The Europe is highly possible…….
- United States decided to make a military “come back to Asia” in year 2010.
- Asians talk about ” The Return of Asia” in year 2011 for the next 10 years to come.
- The West has been dominating the world since 1820.
- The Asia (China + India) were consistently the Giant political & economic superpower.
- However, The WEST HAS TAKEN OVER since 1820.
- 911 incident symbolized the begining of the decline of the WEST.
- 2011 – 2020, the final decade for the WEST to fine tune and to “reverse” the Asia’s Resurgence…..
- Within 10 years from 2011, the global economic superpowers by priority are China, US, India and Japan.
- None of the FOUR is from Europe.
- The West is still Global Superpower before 2020. (1820-2020)
- By 2020, The World will be return to the NORM… Asia centric.
- From 2011- 2020, The economic superpower of the WEST will be challenced by China + India.
- From 2011-2020, the domestic politic of the WEST will be continue to face the Islamic Resurgence of migrants…..
- If the new generation of the WEST does NOT wake up in time,……..
- The WEST is much concern over Islamic resurgence (already at their door step) rather than the FAR EAST…..

2011, The Conflict Between East & West is Widening.....
10 more years from NOW. The WEST only has 10 years to “REVERSE” the ASIAN RESURGENCE

1421A.D. A Comparison of Admiral Cheng He (Chinese Muslim) flagship's and the Santa Maria, Columbus' Largest Vessel. For each expedition, Admiral Zheng He took 30,000 sailors together for Ocean explorations.
Tactics applied to slow down this process by the WEST, are and will be
- Divide and Rule (however, this tactic is effectiveless after 200 years of application)
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As a Chinese Metaphsyic who also concern about the world 天下, we need to know the outcome of the WORLD we live in and love.