- 盛京皇宫(沈阳故宫),是清朝王朝 (1644-1911)迁都入关北京前的政治枢纽。Are ready to conquer your Promised Land in the year 2022?
- 这是沈阳第一高楼,是整个盛京城的制高点凤凰楼。Do you stand on the shoulder of a TOWER to see a wider horizon & spectrum for 2022?
- 鳳凰樓建於1627年,坐落於一座4米高台的上面,三層的斗拱飛檐,頂鋪黃色琉璃瓦鑲綠的剪邊,是一個少數民族文化精髓的彰顯。If not, then build a tower to see multiple spectrums from multiple perspectives for your 2022?
- 从总体布局到单体建筑,从个体造型到局部雕刻工艺,都具有汉、满、蒙古和藏族喇嘛教建筑的特点,集中华民族多民族文化、宫殿营造、建筑艺术之大成。 Your stratagems for 2022 must be inclusive of different opinions & criticisms to enrich your inner power.
- 登上凤凰楼鸟瞰全城,城南浑河如游龙,城东山岭似卧虎,城北长城展屏障,城西满眼尽沃土…… Towering yourself. it makes you well prepared just like flying dragon & crouching tiger for defensive & offensive strategies.
- 鳳凰樓高於正殿,那是俯視全城的制高點,周圍有高牆相環,前有二十幾級台階仰望著鐵門閂,一遇戰事便可壁壘森嚴。Your Tower must be high enough to have a dominating controlling view to keep your enemy in check. There are more than 20 steps in front of you looking up at the iron door latch as the barriers in case of war.
- 意味進取和體現在念念不忘的憂患意识。You must be enterprising but consistently with a sense of precaution.
- 皇太極曾在這裡召集王公貝勒文武百官,讀書講史把先父努爾哈赤紀念,薩爾滸是以少勝多的典範,勁弓鐵騎的勇武精神要代代相傳。 Conduct regular family discussions + corporate meetings. Learn from history, get to know the tactical stratagems of how to conquer the Promised Land.
- 皇太極與自己心愛的女人們在樓台言歡,觀花賞月指點江山,那番旖旎歲月中的英雄紅顏。You need a pretty or handsome spouse to satisfy your sexual desire, while busy strategizing your military plan for conquering the promised land; which makes you STRONGER because sexiness and seductiveness enhance your material willpower.
- 風花雪月並未影響把深凝的目光投向更遠,山海關內的春色無邊,八旗勇武一統華夏江山。Nevertheless, keep the level of romanticism & sexual wilderness at the equilibrium level just nice to uplift & expedite your desire to fully capture & dominate your year 2022.
- 1636年在這古老的青磚背景下,舉行了後金改號大清的慶典,秣馬厲兵問鼎中原。Your Logo design & Selection of company name are significantly magical to increase your success in conquering the year 2022.
- 至今,楼上仍然高悬着乾隆御笔匾额“紫气东来”,令人感受到凤凰楼的无穷魅力。By doing so, the promised land is yours in 2022 absolutely
Contact Master Soon to give you a constructive opinion on how to conquer your Promised Land 2022.
Chinese text above is the main historical background of this tower.
English text is my interpretation.
Photo taken on 25 Oct 2017 ShengYang Palace
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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