This is a typical feng shui case for career advancement feng shui activation… The owners, the couples’ data of birth were identified. The feng shui audit was conducted in such a way to pinpoint feng shui erors one by one, from ground floor to 2rd floor.
这又是一个典型催旺个人事业风水的档案.事主是一对夫妻,将两人的生辰八字给与本人. 如同往常,这次也是将每个风水弊病逐个点破给他们再分析三层不同风水好坏给他们了解。
Amazingly, we had identified a few places of their home which also symbolize the respective birth data. That particular places were so weak in term of feng shui. During 90 mins feng shui consultation, the couples turned to believe from doubt, that, their home feng shui also has caused their career set back. Why? simply becasue I have pointe out facts with refering to their particular pyhsical house quandrants and sectors, which also in line with their current luck. Of course, always I have solid solution to their feng shui problems.
很巧妙的,我发现到相应他们两人八字的家居位置上就偏偏有毛病. 从风水上来说,那是弱势八字风水. 在这90分钟的风水询问过程,这对开始对风水半信半疑的心态;在发现到家里具体某方位的确是气场不好,同感身受,转变成信服风水。