《2021辛丑年看大马国运 2》马国牛头不对马嘴;
1. 大马国花是大红花,为红色乙木。八字日主也是乙木。
2. 今年水旺金又多,水多木漂,预示马国政治继续动荡,存在不稳定因数诸多;但经济基本上刚好及格。
3. 乙木(花草之木)雖然柔弱,但今年仍能享受营养好处,经过牛老爷的耕耘之后,从丑湿土中吸取养分(牛為丑,本氣皆為己土);有点像看天吃饭;或坐享其成。换言之,马国有那么一点运气啊(过去10年留下来的经济实力) ;基本上是马国牛年吃老本。
4. 那济耐不住寂寞,经常跳出来邀功!不过春天一过,夏天来临官司太牛逼!好马不吃眼前亏,指鹿为马颠倒颠!
5. 只要国人不要太奢望或期望过高,那么红花插在牛头上,还是可以成为乡下霸主Juara Kampung 、 Village Champion。
6. 只是马国看了酸溜溜,岂能红花插牛头?预示有二。
7. 第一,宏观角度是马国外资金红利流向邻国去(今年水多红花乙木四处漂荡)。
8. 第二,微观角度政治过多眼红(妒忌)大红花插在老头牛。 各方都沾满烂泥巴(丑湿土) .
9. 今年大马牛头不对马嘴,对来对去 对不上;做事太不合逻辑,政策爆笑大马人是其一;
10. 其二是同个阵营内部意见严重分歧;或社会经济收入继续分化 为什么呢?因为…..牛耕田,马吃谷;富人穷人的鸿沟犹如牛和马的分别!表示基层人士为马国牛耕田,进一步加深!为什么?
11. 因为今年水多烂泥多,只有基层水牛泡水中;这对骑在马背上的各路英雄(政治经济精英)是毫无影响的。
12. 马上不知马下苦(指B40 基层),饱汉不知饿汉饥。这是富裕的大马建国64年来(刚满六十四卦一周天)从不未历过的景观。因为水旺冲击己土,尼沙流离四处,钱财四散,对基层影响巨大。
13. 由于今年马国五行金多水冷木漂土流失,所以玄学上大大有利属于
a. 丙火太阳(当下和未来科技行业如5G、物联网等最能代表未来五年的趋势);
b. 甲木参天( 跟教育、咨询服务、指导相关的行业)
c. 戊土大山 ( 跟房地产有关的行业)
14. 大马经济顶端二成精英(Top 20) 大多早已经投注努力于a 丙火行业。
15. 大马经济中层四成中坚分子(M40) 也处在b甲木和c戊土多年了。
16. 这非但是今年的趋势,也是四年之内的大马趋势!
17. 所成功是需要预知、预备、预行。
18. 不跟a、b、c 打交道;未来就要跟基层四成B40 好好处了!
19. 今年是决定未来4到5年后,一个家庭的未来!
20. 牛有千斤之力,人有倒牛之方;你绝对可以扭转乾坤!
21. 这是为何你喜欢玄学,因为TA 指导你如何驾驭太岁金牛!
22. 你懂了吗?做了吗?
Bull Head is inconsistent / incongruous / at odd with DaMa (Big Horse)
The year that determines your economic status 4 straight years.
1. The national flower of Malaysia is the Bunga Raya, which is a Big Red Flower. The Day Master of Malaysia BaZi is Soft Yi Wood / Flower.
2. There is a lot of water and metal, causing the flower floating in the massive water; indicating that Malaysia’s politics will continue to be turbulent, and there are many factors of instability; but the economy is basically just passing.
3. Although Soft Yi Wood (flowers and small plants) is weak, it can still enjoy the nutritional benefits this year. After the cultivation of the Grand Duke Metal Cow, it draws nutrients from the wet soil (the cow is wet soil); live by what one can find or rely on destiny; or sit back and enjoy the fruits. In other words, Malaysia has such a little luck (the economic strength left over from the past 10 years); basically, Malaysia is juicing on her very own economic surplus.
4. Narjic couldn’t stand his loneliness, and often jumped out to ask for credit! But once spring is over, the lawsuit is too awesome when summer comes! A good horse is smart enough to skip from immediate losses, calling a Stag A Horse, he is able to talk black into white and shift off all the responsibilities to the others.
5. As long as the Rakyat don’t have too much expectations or too ambitious, then the safflower on the bull’s head can still become the country overlord as Juara Kampung and Village Champion (peripheral winner).
6. However, Malaysia is jeolous, to see the bull is beautified / glorified by plugging Bunga Raya on its head? There are two signs for this.
7. First, from a macro perspective, Malaysia’s foreign capital dividends will flow to neighboring countries (this year, there is a lot of water and red flowers drifting around).
8. Second, there is too much jealousy in politics from a micro perspective. All sides are covered with mud (ugly wet soil).
9. This year, the political heads of the Malaysia are inconsistent & in disagreements. It is too illogical in policy making & implementation, and the policy is one of the Malaysians laughing stock.
10. The second is that there are serious differences in opinions within the same camp; or the socio-economic income continues to diverge. Why? Because… Cows plow the fields and horses eat the grains; the gap between the rich and the poor is like the difference between cows and horses! It means that the grassroots are plowing the fields for Malaysia cattle, and this is further deepened! Why?
11. Since there is a lot of water and mud this year for Malaysia, & only the grass-roots buffalo soaks in the water; this has no effect on the heroes (political and economic elites) riding on horseback.
12. One who is in comfortable circumstances doesn’t know the bitterness of misfortune (referring to the B40 grassroots level), a full man does not know that a hungry man is hungry. This is a landscape that the wealthy Malaysia has never experienced in the 64 years since the founding of the country (just completed the sixty-four hexagrams in a circle). Because of the flood of water hitting the muddy land, mud drifting around and wastage of unproductivity happening, which has a huge impact on the grassroots.
13. Due to the inefficiency of the five elements combination for Malaysia this year(excessive metal with strong water on top of floating wood & eroded soil), so metaphysical it is greatly beneficial to
a. Bing Fire Sun (current and future technology industries such as 5G and Internet of Things can best represent the trend of the next five years);
b. Jia Wood big Trees (industry related to education, consulting services, and coaching)
c. Wu Earth Big Mountain (Industry related to real estate)
14. Most of the top 20% of the Malaysian economy (Top 20) have already invested their efforts in the a-fire industry.
15. Forty percent of the middle-class members of the Malaysian economy (M40) have also been in category a. & b. for many years.
16. This is not only a trend this year, but also a trend in Malaysia up to 2025!
17. Success requires foresight, preparation and advancement.
18. Any one refuses to deal with a, b, and c; in the future, it will be 40% (B40), the grassroots.
19. This year is the future deciding year of a family after 4 or 5 straight years!
20. The ox has the power of a thousand catties, and the man has the power to fall the ox; you can definitely turn things around!
21. This is why you like metaphysics, because it teaches you how to control Tai Sui Metal Cow!
22. Do you understand? & do it?
“The cow doesn’t know its bending horns, the horse doesn’t see its long face” (people could not see their own shortcomings); don’t worry about too much political noise; plan your future and career well! The Year of the Metal Cow this year is year of determinant for economic power in your future. To take advantage of it!
Good Luck !
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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