- How do you know that yourself is powerful from 2018-2022 ?
- Kindly refer to yourself (Great Mountain) is very consistent form 12% to 26% throughout these 5 years.
- How do you know that you are having good luck, relatively speaking ?
- The Sunshine/Direct Support (8% to 12%) is sufficient throughout these 5 years.
- Temperature/Indirect Support (12%) is suitable although slightly hot for the years.
- Rainwater/Direct Wealth (15% to 25%) is there to nurture your Indirect Career/Big Tree.
- Hard Metal/Performance/Recognition (12% to 24%) is there to empower you.
- Which years are relatively more powerful and with more opportunities ?
- Year 2018, because
- Self Potential (26%) is very powerful to face challenges.
- Year 2019, because
- Self Potential (10%) is at optimum level.
- Fertile Soil (12%), provides nutrients to the Big Trees(Career)
- Big Trees (19%) are powerful to hold you (mountain) tighter and stronger in order to prevent you from erosion 土崩
- Year 2018, because
- Which year is having tough challenge and resistance ?
- Year 2020, because
- Hard Metal Axe (24%) cuts Big Trees(Caree 15%) 木不雕不成器 ; 有磨难
- You are required to transform/upgrade your output 唯有征服新挑战,更上一层楼
- Year 2020, because
- Which year makes you look greater and manly charming ?
- Year 2021, because
- Jewellery (16%) shines brilliantly
- Overall capabilities and Confidence increase.
- Year 2021, because
- Which years you need to be careful ?
- You are relatively having Good Luck for these few years, Nevertheless, you need to be aware of
- Year 2020 & 2021, when the rainwater/Direct Wealth) is too much 25% & 18% respectively,
- Because massive rainwater(18%-25%) may erode/destroy yourself(10%) 见财化水和伤身之象
- Year2022, when riverwater(16%) flooded……. 江河之水流去不复回;无情过客何必太执着!
- Year 2020 & 2021, when the rainwater/Direct Wealth) is too much 25% & 18% respectively,
- You are relatively having Good Luck for these few years, Nevertheless, you need to be aware of
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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