- Yin Fu Jing 阴符经 is more accurate if it is called as
- Yin Fool King as Conspiracy of Invisible King from Underworld
- Yin Full King as the King of Bottomless(Darkness)
- ….. after years of putting it into experiments and trials
- Yes, I am talking about from my experience on it since 2004…..
- There are so many translations, but none of them tell you the secrets.
- Most of them are literal translations from Chinese to other languages. Full STOP.
- Let me reveal part of the secrets: for example :
- 天地,万物之盗;
- Physicality eats/consumes Divinity. 物质吃鬼神(上帝)
- Divinity did not create the physical world 物质并非上帝创造的
- Rather Physical world is eating Divinity 宇宙正在消耗上帝。
- Divinity is consumed by the cosmos consistently 上帝正在被宇宙侵蚀、消耗!
- Divinity is edible. Do you want to eat divinity? 神性是美味食物,你要吃吗?
- Creation Theory is a cover-up to protect the very weakness of Divinity 创造论是用来掩饰鬼神的弱点!
- 万物,人之盗;
- Humanity eats/ consumes Physicality 人类吃物质
- Physicality includes energies like wavelength, personality, aura & temperaments.
- But human(99.99%) has no idea how to eat/consume them but only consumes lower rank physicality like animals and plants.
- Since those human foods are mortal; hence human is mortal(you are what you eat).
- Energy is immortal ;immortality comes from energy.
- Aura is edible, do you want to eat aura? Pretty delicious …..
- 人,万物之盗。
- Physicality eats humanity. 物质 吃 人类
- This process causes aging and mortality 照成老化和死亡
- 99.99% of humanity is trapped in this matrix. 人类陷入此迷阵中
- 三盗既宜,三才既安。
- ..
- I think I may need to STOP here.
For that superintelligence must have gotten lots of hints and clues.
Now, you see why pandemics and genocides are part of human history
Take-home value:
Go and study Old Testament on subjects like infanticide, genocide, plagues and combine with Yin Full King, then you will get the top cosmic secret. 故曰食其时,百骸治;动其机,万化安。人知其神而神,不知其神所以神也。
Remarks :
- Reject hypocritical theories
- Only clinical trials
- Fantasy is not food
- Swallowing is the god pill
Stay Tuned
Master Soon
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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