From 30th Sept to 4 Oct 2009, Oriental Wisdom had completed a feng shui workshop at Ramada Plaza Hotel Conference Hall, Mumbai. We had covered Module I, II & III during this 5 full day’s workshop.
All the participants of this particular workshop training are with feng shui knowledge. Some are at their intermediate level, some have achieved Xuan Kong Da Gua level, and some have commanded Bazi as well.
However, they told me that this was the first time they been trained by a Mandarin Trained feng shui master cum practitioner. In the workshop, they had been explained why the current flying stars version is fake version and justification on Real Bagua besides insertion of Yijing essence into feng shui application. To many formulas which I had “revealed” in the workshop were a SHOCK AND SURPRISE to them.
As, how do I come to the applications, the rationale underlay my methodology, had been well explained, “Revealed” and “Exposed” to the class. The mechanism and the logic of the applications of my innermost wisdom also had been imparted to this small group class. As the old saying, the Truth is always reserved for the SELECTED FEW. Now, they are ready to bring real but revolutionary feng shui activations in various city of India, like Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyabaderd, Nagpur and Punjab.
At the end of the class, I had done a Pre-formal Feng Shui Lineage Endorsement Ceremony to this small group, instead of Full Endorsement request by the class.
The Initiation of feng shui wisdom only is reserved for lNDOOR STUDENTS.
Do not only listen to my verbal speeches, but also venture into my innermost wisdom which is most of the time speechless. The Truth is always speechless.
孟买风水工作坊 –打开你财宝的钥匙
从9月30日至10月4号2009年东方智慧在孟买的Amada 酒店会议厅,完成了孟买风水工作坊。在这5天我们涵盖了初级,中级,及高级。
不过他们告诉我,这是他们第一次由一个会中文的的风水师 培训他们。在这次工作坊上,他们已经了解了为什么当前流行的飞星版本是假的版本,除此之外他们 也了解到八卦应用到真实风水的本质及配合到易经 的理由上 。 而我在 这 工作坊透露了 很多的秘决令到学生们的震撼!
正如这是因为我已经将我如何创新的方法、方法论的逻辑思维,倾囊相授,完完全全的公开“启示”和“解密”给我的学生了。我内心逻辑的应用,机制和智慧也传授给了这个小组了 。俗话说,真理始终是保留给特定的 少数的。现在他们准备把真实及正确 的风水 ,在印度各大城市如孟买,Bangalore班加罗尔,Hyderabad,海得拉巴,Nagpu那格浦尔和Punjab旁遮普,像革命似的传播势必要激活正确的风水 。
虽然学员要求我进行一个正式风水师承礼仪;但在最后一天,我们进行了一个半正式风水师承仪式。我的 风水的智慧,只是保留给我 的 学生 。