After a long sabbatical leave in last year end, I am back for blogging again. First of all, let me wish Happy New Year 2012 to all faithful readers of this feng shui blog. May you and your family are expressing good health, good luck, happy and good wealth in 2012. To all my clients,students and supporters, my sincere blessing to you and your love one. May you be properous in year 2012.
In the beginning of new chapter of 2012, and I stand high with people around me to wish you to have a very auspicious and powerful new year 2012. In this new year of 2012, there will be a new content injections in term of more career advancement oriented articles to be posted for public sharing.
The articles in the future will be more focus on practical application for working class in their career perspectives and happy family.
May you be benefitted from this feng shui blog.
Happy New Year 2012
Master Soon
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mobile: +6012 560 3333