- Do you know that the power of a WOMAN is double the power of a MAN?
- Do you know that (kindly refer to the chart below)
- Kun trigram 坤卦 (Woman/Femininity) has 6 lines?
- Qian trigram 乾卦(Man/Masculinity) has 3 lines?
- 6 lines(Kun 坤 Female) is double of 3 lines(Qian乾 Male)
- In contrast to the Bible(condemning women’s power, like the fall of Man was due to Eve);
- Yijing acknowledges the power of woman as equal to the power of man via Yin Yang.
- Chinese / Yijing recognizes a woman(Yin) as as powerful as a man(Yang); even more powerful than Yang/Male sometimes.
- The most vocal advocate for feminism is from China’s philosophy and not from the Bible of the West.
- When Bible blames Eve 夏娃 for the Orginal Sin of humankind, Chinese/Yijing upholds the power of women.
- If the Bible is 1 of 2 main sources(Christianity + Greek) for Western Civilization that hold Eve for the Human Fall, how could the West be the advocate for feminism from the core?
- In Yijing, Feminine Power is associated with Number 6.
- Yet Bible associates 666 to be Satanic Number.
- If you study Bible(or even Abrahamics) from the lens of Yijing(Yin Yang), you will easily find out that Bible( Abrahamics) does not see Male-Female on the same footing.
- There is always a discriminating tendency(bias/stereotype) toward females in Abrahamics, including in the Bible.
- The brightest star(Yang/Male) in the galaxy has no contrast visual(pointless/meaningless/unseen) if the galaxy is TOTAL BRIGHT(Yang Male) but has NO Darkness (Yin/Female) totally as the backdrop.
Is the galaxy full of Brightness(Yang) or Darkness(Yin)?
- That is why Number 10 (Yin) defeats Number 9(Yang) at the end of the digital sequence!
- Biblical 666 is NOT Satanic from Yijing’s perspective.
- Rather, it tells you the very fact of the Cosmos, where Yin power is exponentially more powerful than Yang/Male. (The color of the universe tells the fact).
- Do you know that the FIRST wife of Adam was NOT Eve, but Lilith?
- Lilith represented the original power of Kun 坤 but was replaced later on by Eve (a weaker female/version) because Adam could not handle Lilith’s power.
- Why Bible tries to hide all these facts from you?
- How do you blow up /erupt/activate the Kun power in your body, regardless of male and female?
- By then you will experience 雌雄同体 androgynous characteristics (which requires a lengthy explanation).
- Why do Female Trigrams have 4 lines? 阴卦四横
- Dui 兑 Youngest Female
- Li 离 Middle-Aged Female
- Xun 巽 Elderly Female
- Why do Male Trigrams have 5 lines? 阳卦五横
- Gen 艮 Youngest Male
- Kan 坎 Middle-Age Male
- Zhen 震 Elderly Male
- What do 4 lines & 5 lines mean & the significance?
The power button for Period 9 is not Li离 but Kun坤.
I am not telling you the hypothesis 假设, I am telling you what I have experienced.
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