On the 4th days of my visit to Hunan Province, I was brought by my friends to an state-organised cultural show. In fact, I was about to back hotel, but a friend of mine strongly proposed to go for a Chinese Cultural show. At the begining I declined due to cool and drizzling weather at 3 degree celcius that night ( 初春之梅雨,24节令之雨水,一般于19 Feb 至 5 Mar, the weather is what actually predicted by 24 solar term, Yu Shui 雨水). However, due to their enthusiastic invitation ( if you are enthusiastically and compasionately taken care off, that means you are well accepted into the group among mainland Chinese circle of friends), I changed my mind and wanted to experience more and see the social activities here…….

Normally when is a high ranking federal politicians from Beijing, they are escorted to attend this kind of cultural show in Hunan Province....
The show started at 9pm and ended at around 12: 30am. The capacity of the auditorium could cater up to 8 thousands heads per show. The ticket I got was by Guanxi 关系, social relationship which was FOC. It is truely that you must have strong social relationship in China if you wanted a successful career here…… the very first lesson you must learn if you wanted to have good business in China…..
After 10 mins we entered the auditorium, the show started. You could see a lot of Russians are employed in this culturasl show. I was attracted by a sweet soprano but could not where did the sound came from. Finally the spot light turned on and the visual of every audiences were focus on a Russian Soprano…… This Russian soprano kicked off the show…

Although there are some Russians performers, however, the main roles are dominated by local Chinese. I was told that this is to maintain the spirit and soul of Chinese cultural show

过去百年浮浮沉沉在世界舞坛 然而21世纪要向世界每一角施展中华奥秘 将中华无穷神奇梦幻像现实事物 注入世人心中.............. 解放妇女权利,与男士共同开创中华未来........this is their message.... acknowledge the rights of women, make woman as equal as man... then, the nation would has double productivity........ That is why you will find the Mainland Chinese females are generally productive and smarts..........

Taiji tells, Yin & Yang are equally important. Husband must respect his wife as he respects himself. Woman must be treated as equal as man. Because woman makes man complete.... A man without a woman is incomplete.Woman could double up the capacity and output of a nation. If you suppress your woman, in fact you suppress your good self.

Woman is as powerful as man....... Release and capitalize the power of your wife, your would double up your capacity

You could see there were also some Russian Dancers. However, they were not on the Main Stage but at the edge of the main stages.......

The Peak of the show to educate the mass how GREAT was China before 15th century. The implicit meaning was to brain wash the audiences that China is able to do that in 21 century
At the end of the show, my friend told me that there are at least 4 shows was carried on that evening….. And most importantly, this kind of content are so common in many cities of China……
My friend continued to say: ” the message of the show is about combination of education and entertainment.”
I replied : ” it is more tend to be political socialization and nation’s brain washing……