- This double storey house in KL was audited by me last year end (2019).
- The owner planned to start the major structural renovation around Feb/March 2020.
- I disagreed with his immediate action for major renovation but to do it in year 2021.
- Because I had the opinion that major renovation for him personally is no good in 2020.
- The owner seemed to be NOT so happy with my proposal as he wanted to get it done very soon.
- However, I insisted on my stand and proposal(no renovation in 2020) from the start of the audit.
- The owner was still figuring out how he could do the major renovation fast & quick.
- Nevertheless, nothing could be done at all when Movement Control Order(MCO) was imposed nationwide from 18 March to 09 Jun 2020.
- By 08 June 2020, the owner sent me the text as below.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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