Financial Set Back Bed Room
Normally, the bed room is located at the back of a house for enjoyment of privacy; whereas the living room is at the front part of the house. However, the new and contemporary condo design has bed room at the front part and near to the main door with the living room at the back of the condo unit. This exposes the bed room. In feng shui this is called as “Financial Set Back House”. This kind of house may give financial problem to its occupants.
Sexual Affair Bed Room
If the door of the bed room is facing directly to the main door, this would cause problematic affair to the occupant. Confrontation of main door with the door of the bed room means the qi from outside is flowing directly into the bed room which represents personal life easily. Direct qi interaction between main opening (main door) and inner opening (bed room door) reflects intimacy relationship is highly possible.
High Sexual Desire Bed Location
Locating your bed at the entrance of the bed room or facing the door of the bed room exposes the bed easily to outsider. Door in feng shui is seen as an opening to outside world. This exposure means the occupant has high sexual desire and opens his arm to welcome romance.
Sickness – Bed Room Door Confronting Toilet
Bathrooms or toilets have long been associated with negative Qi. If your bedroom door faces a toilet door (see picture below), negative Qi will flow from the bathroom to your bedroom. A prolonged period of time staying in such ber room would definitely cause health deterioration.
Unstable Emotion – Bed room door Confronting Kitchen Door
Kitchen is link to fire element in feng shui. A bed room door which faces directly to the kitchen entrance would cause emotional imbalance to the occupant. This would gradually become worse if the bed room door is confronting the stove directly and visibly.
Career Disadvantage – Bed without Solid Bed Head Support
It is very important that your bed is placed against a solid wall as shown in the picture below. The solid wall symbolizes your career and your life foundation.
View the pictures below for examples.