I am having a coffee break now, after a non-stop 15 days works for Residential Feng Shui, BaZi Destiny, New Born Babies Name Selections, Restaurant Feng Shui, Marital Problem Consultation, Date Selection for Marriage, Date Selection for Cesarean, New Couple Matching, Career Planning Consultation, and many more customers’ family matters….
All come in Month of Ghost..… the 7th month according to Chinese Lunar Calendar System. Month of Ghost is celebrated for ONE whole month by Malaysia Chinese(Buddhist & Taoist) and has become part of their culture.
Well, it is the most misunderstood Chinese month to be painted and to be associated with ghosts or hungry ghosts. I would say this is 40%-50% true for this “grass root” understanding.
Nonetheless, Chinese Metaphysics has perceived this so-called “Month of Ghost” as “Door Opening of Opportunity Month”. For example, those who were born in “Month of Ghost” are mostly gifted and talented in their very own way.
Let’s to have a little light discussion(non- academic).
Well, let me give you one concrete example yet easy to understand. For example, Malaysians from government agencies to private sectors celebrate their Independence Day(Merdeka) on 31 Aug yearly without fail. If you check the Chinese Lunar Calendar, 31 Aug falls in Month of Ghost, every year without fail. It means Malaysians celebrate their Independence Day 31 Aug, during Chinese Month of Ghost, without fail every year; since year 1957.
Does this associate with the fact that “Chinese Ghosts” is an inevitable element in Malaysia’s socio-economy and politics, even though the hardcore within UMNO (ruling party since 1957) has been trying so hard to eliminate “Chinese ghosts” influences in all fields by any mean?
Malaysia Independence Day 31 Aug is celebrated every year syn-chronically/simultaneously with Month of Chinese Ghosts.
Month of Ghost indicates that the door for Realm of Ghost is open for 1 month during that particular month. Spirits and Ghosts are free to move around during this month. It signifies FREEDOM, LIBERTY, EQUALITY and OPPORTUNITY
Interestingly, Malaysia celebrate their Independence Day on 31 Aug every year, which always falls within MONTH of Hungry Ghosts in accordance to Chinese Lunar Calendar, EVERY YEAR.
Metaphysically, Malaysia celebrates Independence Day together with Wandering/Hungry Ghosts as Gate of Ghost Realm is widely open during the month.
Can you tell us how independent Malaysia would be free from “ Chinese Ghosts” if The Independence Day is celebrated in the ocean of hungry ghosts during Ghost Month ?
Does “Hungry Ghosts” refer to the “Wandering Ghosts” or “Chinese Ghosts”?
Does “Hungry Spirit” refer to the “Greedy Spirit” or “Chinese Spirit”?
How do you be independent (Merdeka) while surrounded by so many “Hungry Ghosts” during Month of Ghost?
Do you see the political and economic implicit meaning, metaphysically?
Time is up for me to move….. talk to you some other time…
May The Wise shall see the truth.
Profile of Master Soon
Having completed years of research in the “unknown, untold and unconventional”,Master Soon, shares meaningful insights on“How to redesign & reinvent your luck”. His method on “Destiny Reinvention” to corporate level on top of social strata until personal level at various segments of the public has touched many souls.
His proven UNknown “destiny make over” method has won him fame & clients in China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Switzerland.
Contact: master@mastersoon.com or WhatApp: 6012 560 3333