If you are divinely selected to be a competent dragon spot feng shui practitioner, Always will you be accompanied by divine guidance in the form of animals or natural phenomena like
1) cranes 白鹭开航指高度( for sea-level / horizontal height)
2) birds, 飞行鸟群指区域( location),
3) tortoise 陆龟出现,龙穴再往前 ( vertical alignment)
4) cobra 眼镜蛇吐信迎到来 (depth of the spot)
5) python 大蟒缠绵 呼之欲出( size of the vein)
6) toad 蟾蜍指明三叉水源 (gender of the dragon)
7) wind 巽风指路向风口( re-confirmation)

9) rain….. 沐浴气场中
10) cloud formation 在天成象 在地成形 (a final verdict of the dragon HEAD)
…… many more from nature…..
in this picture, the cloud formation(with the left dragon, right tiger, dragon vein, backbone & pointing to the Dragon Head(Stone) accurately & precisely right on the Dragon Spot.
This is the Mandate you need to have as divine authority for Dragon Spot.
- Why Dragon Spot is Hidden & not located inside a commercialized memorial park ?
- Answer 1 : 其盗机也,天下莫能见,莫能知。君子得之固躬,小人得之轻命.
- Why is Malaysian Chinese the hardest overseas Chinese to be assimilated by residing country?
- Answer 2a: 自从十九世纪的1880年代, 马华裔经已夺取、镇压数百马来龙脉!
- Answer 2b族群继续受用威武龙脉至今已超150年!
- What are The significant implications of Dragon Spot on socio-economics?
- Answer 3:
- 天发杀机,移星易宿;
- 地发杀机,龙蛇起陆;
- 人发杀机,天地反覆;
- 天人合发,万化定基。
- Answer 3:
- How can you get a dragon spot?
- Answer 4 :
- 观天之道,执天之行,尽矣。故天有五贼,见之者昌。
- 五贼在心,施行于天。宇宙在乎手,万化生乎身。
- 天性人也,人心机也。立天之道,以定人也。
- Answer 4 :
- Can a Dragon Spot kill you, the consumer?
- Answer 5:
- 天生天杀,道之理也。
- 火生于木,祸发必克;奸生于国,时动必溃。
- 沉水入火,自取灭亡。
- Answer 5:
- Then how can you be enhanced by Dragon Spot but NOT to be Killed ?
- Answer 6:
- 知之修炼,谓之圣人。
- 瞽者善听,聋者善视。绝利一源,用师十倍。三返昼夜,用师万倍。
- 天人合发,万化定基。
- Answer 6:
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