[2021年4月24日,星期六,下午12:47] Tan:
- 閱讀您對我“命運”之前年的詮釋,
- 我很感謝你這麼準確。
- 甚至與我聯繫的xxxxxxx…
- 抱歉地說,我覺得他可能……..。
- 您對我未來的方向的判断也是正確的。
- 我一直在與xxx地區的人們,企業家和xx一起工作。
- 將於2022年1月在xxx成立在線……,公司。
- 以後再分享。 我必須小心前進。
[2021年4月24日,星期六,下午12:48] Master Soon:
[ Saturday, 24 April 2021 12:47 PM ] Tan :
- Reading your years-old interpretations of my ‘destiny’,
- I am grateful you were so accurate.
- Even the xxxxxx who contacted me…
- I feel could be one of ……, .
- And you’re right too about future direction.
- I had been looking into working with the people, the entrepreneurs, and xxx in the xxxxx area.
- Will set up online xxxxxx, company to be registered in xxxxx 2022. share more later.
- I have to be careful going forward.
[ Saturday, 24 April 2021 12:48 PM ] MASTER SOON:
In fact, you are very informative, intelligent, and pragmatic in many perspectives.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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