- This picture was taken when I reached the chin 下巴 of this feminine dragon formation.
- Standing at the chin 下巴, immediately you see Dragon Chest about 5 meters away right in front.
- Then followed by
- Breasts
- Inverted Triangular Shape Belly
- Thighs
- Dragon Vagina
- According to the concept : As Above , So Below ; you could see the Dragon Belly is in Inverted Triangular Shape(Horizontally); then this hints that the accurate SPOT resides on a small hidden hill(Vertically) which is congruent / identical to the shape of the belly; in accordance to Yin Yang.
- Either looking from the Chin, or from the Belly; the 2 dragon breasts are dominantly present and visible.
- The Dragon Spot is not necessary to be the Dragon Vagina; although some of the Spots located at the Dragon Vagina. In this case, Vagina is not the Spot(Power Source).
- The Spot(Power Source) is not very far away from the position that this picture was taken.
- The whole topographical feature of this dragon spot could be understood from female body shape as below ;
This Female Dragon is facing / looking up to the heaven. I was standing at the tip of dragon chin to take this picture.
- This feminine dragon lies down with 2 thighs slightly open to the heaven.
- At this moment you instantly could understand what is metaphysical intercourse between the Earth & Heaven.
- Two breasts serve as internal Qi/Energy Locking.
- Two hands(Unseen in the picture due to perspective) serve as intermediate Qi / Energy Locking. However, I have carefully selected a female photo(on the left) to show you how the dragon arms fold closely to the chest & abdomen.
- Two thighs serves as external Qi/Energy Locking.
- Between the thighs is Dragon Vagina, a very narrow hilly entrance connecting 2 valleys.
- The Belly/Abdomen is Triangular Shape. It serves as Bright Court 明堂 to gather the Qi / Energy on the open ground.
- The shape of the Bright Court/Belly is Triangle. Hence,
- The spot is located on the hill in reversed triangle(Mirror Image).
- Point 15-17 above serve as verdict to help you to find out the spot accurately.
- Obviously, this is female dragon.
- When you reach the spot, the spot must
- look like a feminine virgin pussy
- smell like a rosy flower
- taste like a goddess
- If you could get these 3 verdicts (20.1 to 20.3) ; then the next phase is about how to make use of this Dragon Spot.
- Professionally speaking, it is about how to metaphysically intercourse with the dragon; in order to extract the power from the mother earth.
- During the process of power extraction, you will be empowered/mesmerized/ strengthen / magnified / amplified energetically, emotionally, sexually, physically, mentally, financially etc….
- The very bottom line is : your manhood / womanhood is boosted overwhelmingly.
- At the very minimum return, you will be biologically & physically much younger. Your stamina is boosted & you look prettier and more attractive.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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