- In fact many have been planning for Year 2020 respectively, since 2019 because they had foreseen special counter measurement should be taken in advance.
- One of my clients emailed me on 01 April 2020 to express appreciation for online reports / advices.
- The client engaged my online service in November 2019.
- As usual, I do provide a very different style for coaching and paradigm shift is part my methodology.
- Therefore, those with professional background love this kind of drastic brainstorming, based on personal birth data(Time Continuum).
- Attached below are 1 of those reports with resolutions.
- Career advancement involves stiff competitions & competent competitors.
- Getting alternative opinion is the main objective people come to me.
- And I am here to decode your destiny in order to
- Increase Your Winnable Chances
- Increase Your Success Rate
- Reduce Your possible Blockages & Sabotages
- Reduce Your possible Mistakes & Negligences
- Diversify Your Stategems & Strategies
- Empower Your Plan in Accordance to Your Personal Timeline
- Boosting Your Career with Extra Weapon – Metaphysics
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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电邮 Email : master@mastersoon.com