- 改变你对自己的看法和提升你对自己的认识,你将自动改变你生活的世界。
- 不必试图改变他人;他们只是告诉你自己是谁的媒介而已。
- 重新评价自己再做出改进,他们将确认你的变化,伴随着你而来得是天翻地覆的改运工程。
- 你在享受中所有一切的美好事物,都是来自于多年前的梦想/内心(潜意识)的外化/物质化。
- 这告诉你一个事实 :你内心有多强大,那么你的物质世界就有多强大。
- 你是自己梦想的产品.
- Change the way you perceive of yourself and enlarge the horizon how you understand of your ownself.
- Then, you will automatically change the world in which you live.
- Do not try to change people; they are only mediums telling you who you are.
- Revalue yourself and improve yourself, they will confirm the change. Then, you will enter into brand new world of luck rejuvenating process.
- Whatever you enjoy now are the outcomes of your inner dreams come true since long ago. This tells the truth that your material world is determined by the power of your inner world.
- You are the product of your dream.
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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