1. For the national flower of Malaysia (Day Master Yihai), this year is like Banga Raya on the banks of the Pahang River (Hidden Ren Water) in the Malay Peninsula, in the forest of Taman Negara (Hidden Jia Wood) in the National Park. The time is the wavering moonlight at two o’clock in the morning (this year Xin is the dark moon).
2. It is located next to the hidden Malay dragon vein.
3. This also reflects the reason why the main ethnic group of Malaysia, the Malay, has a gentle and elegant appearance and gentleman-like Bunga Raya, and there are endless resources and wisdom (Taman Negara and Pahang River) inside.
4. This is not comparable to other ethnic groups in Malaysia who like noise and more realistic.
5. This year, the Malay national politics is undercurrent, and talent is hidden; it is not known and not exposed.
6. “Xin Metal” is like an Islamic crescent moon, deep meditation on the future national welfare, direction, and strategy in the silence.
7. This year’s “Xin” Golden Scimitar is worth the time of the year, and it is twice as strong as usual. It corresponds to the Seven Killing of the Day Master of Malaysia. In the early morning, the cold is pressing!
8. The cow is a religious sacrifice, readers can interpret for themselves!
9. The Malay Peninsula was called the “Golden Peninsula” by the Western Medieval geographer and astrologer, Claudius Ptolemy (100A.D-170 AD), the golden Chersonese or Golden Khersonese, It refers to Pahang! The supreme head of state of Malaysia/Yang Dipertuan Agong is also the Sultan of Pahang.
10. Coincidentally, August 31 of the independent month of Malaysia is also the month of Wu Shen (there is gold in the autumn moon and mountains); the official power is concentrated. In the early morning, the crescent moon is cold and shining on Metal Ox, and there is no need for words to act.
11. In the future, the culture, education, and destiny of the ethnic Malaysian Chinese are not at political parties; instead, they have a lot to do with the nine sultans of Nine Negeri & Nine Sultans.
12. Because the Malaysian Chinese in the 19th century were able to enter the Malay states of the Malay Peninsula & settled down, it was the Royal Assent of the Nine Sultans of Nine Negeri, (except Penang Island, Malacca, Sabah and Sarawak).
13. “Xin” predominates the nobility of the royal family; Malaysia will see the supreme head of the imperial authority this year. What’s more, Pahang is from the land of Malay dragon veins!
14. “Xin” of this year is the eighth by sequence of Heavenly Stem, and next year, “Ren”, the ninth by sequence, will see more manifestations from Royals. What is the basis?
15. Don’t you see the year of Gengzi in 2020 (Geng is the imperial power), the supreme head of state and Pahang (the place of the dragon vein) Sultan, exercised His imperial power, in supporting Ding Ding (Ding fire burn gold), deposed DSAI and Old Horse ?
Stay Tuned for Information
《2021辛丑年看大马国运 4》彭亨河岸上 月儿弯弯照九州
1. 对大马国花(日主乙亥)而言,今年犹如处在马来半岛彭亨河(亥藏壬水)岸旁,国家公园Taman Negara树林中(亥藏甲木)的Bunga Raya,时间为凌晨二点中的忽明忽暗的月光中(今年辛为暗月)。
2. 彷佛陪伴着沉睡在世外桃源,不为人知的马来龙脉宝地旁。
3. 这也折射解释为何大马主体民族马来人,形象外表温文儒雅、文质彬彬如Bunga Raya,内里又有源源不绝的资源涌现和神机妙算的智慧(Taman Negara 和 Pahang River) 。
4. 这并非相对喜欢喧闹和奉行现实主义的大马其他民族可以比拟的。
5. 今年马来民族政治韬光养晦的一年,才华隐藏起来;不为人知,不使外露。
6. 《辛金》宛如伊斯兰弯月一般,在寂静中对未来国家民族福利、方向、策略的深沉思索。
7. 今年《辛》金弯刀是值年天干,比往常还要旺盛一倍,对应大马日主乙木是七杀,凌晨时分,寒气逼人!
8. 丑牛为宗教祭祀品,读者可自行解读!
9. 马来半岛被西方中古时期地理学家兼占星家,克劳迪乌斯·托勒密(Claudius Ptolemy 100A.D – 170 A.D) 称为《黄金半岛》Golden Chersonese or Golden Khersonese or Golden Peninsula,剑指彭亨州!当今大马最高元首也来自彭亨州苏丹。
10. 无独有偶,大马独立月份阳历8月31日 也是戊申月(秋月山中有黄金); 官运政权集中。凌晨弯月冷光照金牛,行动无需言语多。
11. 未来大马华裔的文化、教育和本民族色彩的命运不在个政党;反而跟九州九龙九苏丹大有关系。
12. 因为十九世纪华裔能进入马来半岛各马来州落地生根,是九州九龙九苏丹御准的(槟岛、马六甲、沙巴和砂劳越除外)。
13. 《辛》主皇族贵气;大马今年必见最高元首的皇权威严。更何况是来自于马来龙脉之地的彭亨!
14. 今年《辛》是第八天干,明年《壬》水第九天干九州九龙迹象更加明显。有何根据?
15. 君不见2020庚子年(庚即是皇权),最高元首兼彭亨(龙脉所在地)苏丹于政治乱局中,施展皇权,扶持丁丁(丁火炼庚金),罢免安哥和老马吗?
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