- You are having the MOST Auspicious Luck Cycle(10 Years) from 2018-2028; since you Enhancing Elements/Useful God 用神 (丙、戊、庚) are present during these 10 years.
- Your current Luck Cycle (2018 – 2028) is under Masculine Metal Tiger, Geng Yin 庚寅大运,藏甲木比肩、丙火食神、戊土偏财.
- You get 3 out of 3 luck boosters ; 3/3 =100%; more powerful than LAST 10 years(as there were no luck booster appeared during last 10 years luck cycle). Relatively speaking, your luck is advancing positively by 100% on ratio of Ten Years Basis.
- These 3 enhancing elements (丙 火 、 戊土 and 庚金 ) appear in your chart from 2018 to 2028; elevates your luck for EXTRA Power by 78.6% for these 10 years.
- These EXTRA Power 78.6% will mainly manifest in 3 aspects of your life, namely
- Excellent Performance 丙火
- Abundant Wealth 戊土
- Dominant Career 庚金
- Once you have elevated 78.6%(2018-2028) for TEN YEARS BASIS; figures below are Year-to-Year Basis :
- 2018 (extra 35%)
- 2019 (extra 15% to 20%) fluctuating
- 2020 (extra 31%)
- 2021 (extra 15% to 22%) fluctuating
- 2022 (extra 25%)
- 2023 (extra 18%) fluid & flowing
- 2024 (extra 23%)
- 2025 (extra 29%)
- 2026 (extra 31%)
- 2027 (extra 15% to 21%) uncertain and burning
- 2028 (extra 38%) borderline
- You are having the most powerful years ahead( 10 years); GRAB them!
《东方智慧》Oriental Wisdom – Master Soon
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